Arturo Larena has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Universidad CEU-San Pablo de Madrid. He specialized in scientific and environmental reporting with the aid of a grant from the Spanish National Research Council, and travelled to the U.S. with funding from the International Visitors Program to share the expertise of professionals working in these two areas.
From 1992 to 1998, he was assistant head of the Science and Environment section of press agency EFE. President of the Spanish Environmental Journalists Association (APIA) between 1998 and 2002, he set up and steered the association’s first website, providing a window onto its activities and the practice of environmental journalism in Spain for Internet users the world over. In 2002, he launched, a non-profit environmental reporting project distinguished with a Panda award for environmental communication from the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), Fundación Doñana and Ecovidrio. An invited expert on environmental issues for the Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano in the years 2006, 2007 and 2010 and the Inter-American Press Association in 2010, he also serves on the advisory board of writers’ platform Red Internacional de Escritores por la Tierra. For more than a decade, he has designed and promoted the young environmental journalists’ training programs organized by Fundación EFE.
Holder of the National Prize for Environmental Journalism, among other distinctions, he is currently Director of EFEverde, the EFE agency’s global environmental news platform.