Biodiversity conservation and climate change
Reasons for hope in the face of the global environmental crisis
Lecture by Rhett Butler,
5th Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication
19th edition of the Biodiversity Conservation Awards
The BBVA Foundation recognizes the protection of turtles in Tarragona, the rescuers of Bolivian wildlife, the reconstruction of Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique, and the environmental reporting of Silvia García, Jacob Petrus and José Luis Gallego
Fundación para la Conservación y Recuperación de Animales Marinos (CRAM)
For for its success in involving practically the whole of the Ebro Delta fishing community in the fight against the bycatch of species such as loggerhead turtles, achieving “a model example of conservation based on the awareness and cooperation of fishers, key players in the conservation of sea turtles in the Mediterranean.”
Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY)
For more than three decades’ work devoted to the rescue, care and conservation of wild animals that have fallen prey to illegal trafficking networks, a project which “has managed to protect the Bolivian ecosystem and wildlife from threats like forest fires, poaching, logging and illegal mining … in collaboration with the scientific community.”
Gorongosa Restoration Project
For successfully rebuilding the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique with “outstanding results in the conservation of large mammal species such as elephants, lions, buffalo and antelopes.”
Silvia García
For her long and successful career of several decades as a committed journalist specializing in environmental issues in news programs on different channels.
Jacob Petrus
For his high innovative capacity in the television treatment of a wide range of current environmental issues.
José Luis Gallego
For his reporting combining scientific rigor with commitment to the values of nature conservation across multiple channels and formats, including radio, print, television and book publications.
Asociación Herpetológica Española
For its rigorous, ongoing monitoring of amphibian and reptile populations, two groups facing serious conservation problems due to habitat destruction, pollution and climate change.
Zoological Society of London
“For its pioneering work in identifying the most evolutionary distinct species that are also at grave risk of extinction. Under these premises, it undertakes specific conservation actions, directed to date at 157 species in 47 countries. Its involvement in the training of young researchers at local level has succeeded in establishing a stable worldwide network of conservationists.”
Miguel Ángel Ruiz Parra
For his work of over three decades informing and educating the public about the natural riches of the Iberian southeast and the main threats they face, like those affecting the Mar Menor lagoon. His rigorous articles enable readers to understand and assess the different interests at stake around themes of biodiversity. The jury wishes to make special mention of the importance of environmental […]
Fundación CBD-Hábitat
For its pioneering work on behalf of the conservation of Mediterranean forest and woodland and some of its most emblematic species, like the Spanish imperial eagle, the Iberian lynx and the cinereous vulture
International Snow Leopard Trust
For its excellent work on conserving the last remaining populations of the snow leopard, one of the planet’s most endangered species.
Clemente Álvarez
For his exceptional contribution to environmental reporting based on rigor, journalistic innovation and the creation of new spaces and narrative formats.
Asociación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza y los Recursos de Extremadura (ADENEX)
For its “work in defense of the Extremadura region’s natural heritage over a span of four decades” and its “solid leadership in Spanish nature conservation”.
Millennium Seed Bank de Kew Gardens
For the creation of its Millennium Seed Bank, holding 2.5 billion seedssamples of plants from 190 countries, described as an exemplary initiative “that reflects how cooperation without borders can advance nature conservation worldwide”.
Fernando Valladares
For “his exceptional contribution to the dissemination of scientific knowledge on the great environmental challenges of our time,” combining scientific rigor with a plain language style that connects with a wide public.
Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos
Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos (FCQ) wins the award in the Biodiversity Conservation Projects in Spain category for “recovering and conserving the Pyrenean region’s last remaining bearded vultures […] and its success in getting the species to breed again in areas like Picos de Europa, where it had become extinct over 50 years ago.”
International Animal Rescue Indonesia
The BBVA Foundation Worldwide Award for Biodiversity Conservation has been bestowed on the IAR Indonesia Foundation and the head of its orangutan conservation program, Karmele Llano, “for taking an innovative and integrated approach to protecting the biodiversity of Indonesia’s Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park, in Borneo,” and “various of its iconic species,” among them […]
Antonio Cerrillo
Antonio Cerrillo, environment correspondent with Spanish daily La Vanguardia, receives the award for Knowledge Dissemination and Communication in Biodiversity Conservation in Spain “as a groundbreaking journalist, a byword for the best environmental reporting in Spain over the last 30 years, and a mentor to the coming generations,” and for “combining rigorous handling of local conservation […]
Fondo para la Protección de los Animales Salvajes (FAPAS)
The award goes to Fondo para la Protección de los Animales Salvajes (FAPAS), “for its sustained and wholly independent on-theground activity over more than three decades on behalf of the species and ecosystems of Cantabria, in particular its contribution to the protection of the brown bear, scavenger birds, the wolf and the osprey, and the […]
The Jane Goodall Institute
The award goes to the Jane Goodall Institute, “for its extensive track record and major global impact in conserving biodiversity, particularly chimpanzees and their ecosystems in Tanzania, with a pioneering approach that privileges the involvement of local communities.” (Jury’s citation)
Joaquín Gutiérrez Acha
The award goes to Joaquín Gutiérrez Acha, “for capturing the essence of nature in diverse regions of Spain through an audiovisual language both sophisticated and striking that encompasses traditional lifestyles and activities. His work has resonated with the international public by virtue of its extraordinary rigor, quality and beauty.” (Jury’s citation)
Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre
The award goes to the project “Western Iberia: Conservation of the Greater Ecosystem” for its regional and cross-border impact in the conservation of threatened ecosystems and endangered species.
Fundación Moisés Bertoni
The award goes to the project “Mbaracayú: Conservation, Female Education and Sustainable Tourism” for its innovative character and commitment to the skilling and integration of local communities.
The award goes to journalists Rafael Serra, José Antonio Montero and Miguel Miralles, for their ongoing labor of communicating nature at the head of Quercus, the doyen of Spanish nature conservation magazines.
Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste (ANSE)
Recognized for its committed work on biodiversity conservation in an ecologically unique part of Europe that is nonetheless subject to severe human pressure: the semi-arid littoral and pre-littoral zones along the south east of the Iberian Peninsula.
The Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Laboratory at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
The Laboratory takes the award for efficiently translating world-class scientific knowledge into policy decisions enabling impactful conservation actions.
Caty Arévalo
The award has gone to Caty Arévalo for the quality and rigor of her influential journalism, much of it anonymous, since news agencies tend to generate contents without a byline that are then picked up by thousands of media outlets.
Grupo de Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat (GREFA)
The award goes to Grupo para la Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat (GREFA) for its high-impact projects to conserve species, with a focus on birdlife.
The Conservation Land Trust (CLT)
The award goes to The Conservation Land Trust for its major contribution to biodiversity conservation in Chile and Argentina through the creation and expansion of eight large protected areas occupying over one million hectares.
Carlos de Hita
The award is granted to Carlos de Hita for his groundbreaking, innovative endeavors in recording and disseminating a wide range of nature sounds.
Divisional Prosecutor. Environment and Land Planning Prosecutors and Technical and Police Units
The award goes to an endeavor that is vital to the prosecution of environmental offences and the protection of natural spaces and their biodiversity.
Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (FMCN)
The award goes to FMCN for its efforts over the course of a decade to preserve the monarch butterfly, one of the planet’s landmark invertebrate species.
Juan Varela Simó
The award is granted to Juan Varela Simó for his longstanding and tireless labor of communication on behalf of nature conservation, in Spain and other countries, through a highly creative illustrative output.
Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza
The award goes to Asociación Trashumancia y Naturaleza for almost twenty years work on behalf of transhumance and extensive farming in Spain. Transhumance is a traditional herding practice that helps maintain numerous natural habitats that would otherwise be degraded or lost.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
The award goes to the Institute’s Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project, which has responded to a biodiversity crisis without precedent, namely the threatened extinction of this zoological class on a worldwide scale.
Javier Gregori Roig
The award goes to Javier Gregori Roig for his long career in the field of scientific reporting with a particular accent on environmental and biodiversity conservation issues.
Fundación Global Nature
The award goes to Fundación Global Nature for its exceptional contribution to wetland recovery.
Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas (ICB)
ICB is a non-government organization founded by the authors of a photo-identification technique that has brought huge strides in cetacean conservation since 1970.
Daniel Beltrá
Recognized for his photographic output, Beltrá describes himself as a reporter covering the conflict between human society and the environment.
Fundación Oso Pardo
The Foundation is recognized for the results of its Brown Bear Conservation Patrols project, which over the space of almost two decades has contributed decisively to the recovery of what is a conservation priority species in Spain.
BirdLife International
The award goes to BirdLife International for its project focusing on the identification and study of important bird areas in Latin America.
Araceli Acosta
She receives the award for her extensive track record as head of environmental reporting at daily newspaper ABC and coordinator of the monthly supplement ABC Natural.
WWF España
Among the foremost global organizations devoted to nature conservation, in its 50-year existence its overriding goal has been the conservation of world biodiversity.
Center for Environmental Sustainability, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
The award has gone for its project “Anchoveta Week: Creating the Conditions to Boost the Contribution to Social Welfare and Sustainability of the World’s Largest Fishery.”
Josep del Hoyo Calduch
Singled out for his contribution as senior editor of the Handbook of the Birds of the World, the first work ever to illustrate all living species of birds whose inaugural edition came out in 1992.
ECOMARG Research Group, Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO)
The award goes to the project Study of Continental Margin Ecosystems and the Impact of Their Fisheries for its decisive contribution in creating the first protected area on the Spanish continental platform.
Bioconciencia. Bioconservación, Educación y Ciencia, A. C.
The award goes to this NGO’s Program for the Conservation of Mexican Bats in recognition of its invaluable initiatives over the past fifteen years to conserve Mexico’s wildlife and ecosystems through the study and conservation of bats.
Arturo Larena
The award goes to Arturo Larena Larena for the quality and commitment demonstrated in his environmental reporting, and his outstanding contribution to scientific and environmental journalism.
Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza de la Guardia Civil (SEPRONA)
The award goes to the environmental arm of the Guardia Civil for its pioneering role as a corps devoted to the prevention, protection and defense of natural heritage interests and biodiversity, which has served as a model for other countries throughout its twenty-year history.
Directorate-General of Institutional Development and Promotion (DGDIP) of the National Commission for Protected Natural Areas
The DGDIP is recognized for having placed Mexico in the Latin American and world vanguard in the creation and protection of natural areas.
Gustavo Catalán Deus
Catalán Deus receives the award for his long professional career and the quality of his journalistic work, which has aided in the analysis and resolution of environmental conflict in reporting on environmental issues.
Prof. Harold A. Mooney and Prof. Peter H. Raven
The award is granted ex aequo in recognition of their outstanding contributions to understanding evolutionary and co-evolutionary processes that shape the adaptations of plants, the communities they form, and the diversity and biogeography of those communities, and how plants contribute to ecosystem function.
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve
The award goes to the project Co-Management for the Implementation of the Management Program of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve for demonstrating that biodiversity conservation generates wealth and wellbeing for the community.
Benigno Varillas Suárez
He receives the award goes for the quality of his long and ground-breaking professional career in the environmental communication field.
Juan Carlos Castilla and Jeremy B. C. Jackson
Castilla and Jackson share the award in recognition of their outstanding contributions to understanding and articulating human impacts on marine ecosystems worldwide.
Balearic Group of Ornithology and Defense of Nature (GOB)
The award is granted to the project Biodiversity Conservation in the Balearic Islands for its active defense of the biodiversity of the Spanish Mediterranean through a high-profile involvement in land zoning and environmental planning.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of the Tropical Forest Biological Corridor in the Guatemalan Caribbean
The project is recognized for the original and exemplary nature of its interventions wedding social and ecological criteria.
Joaquín Araújo Ponciano
The award goes to Joaquín Araújo Ponciano for his distinguished track record as a communicator of environmental and conservation values.
Conservation Biology of Birds and their Habitats Research Group
Recognized for the quality of its multidisciplinary approach to the biology of endangered bird populations, its practical significance in the conservation field, and its contribution to forming a pool of experts in Spain and Latin America.
Millennium Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity Research
The Center is recognized for the outstanding quality of its scientific output in ecology, biogeography and environmental ethics, its major achievements in nature conservation, and the impact of its research work on ecosystems and critical biodiversity areas in Chile.